Well it’s over with. Here is a before picture.

The actual event was anti-climatic. Kathy drove me there at 6:30 AM and stayed with me. [Thanks dear that was very sweet of you.] I got into my hospital gown. Then I waited until they rolled me down to the room. I laid on my side. I was given a sedative, but it did not knock me out. Things happened behind my back, and on a camera in front of me was showing my colon. It was like a lumpy-bumpy fleshy tunnel that curved left and right. I found it quite fascinating. I asked if they were recording it, but no they don’t. Bottom line I was OK and nothing was found of significance. So in about 30 minutes I was done, rolled back to Kathy, dressed and headed home. So the actual event was indeed anti-climatic. On the way home I was so dehydrated I couldn’t stop drinking water, and to celebrate we stopped at The Pancake House and had breakfast. Solid food is so yummy.
Here is an after picture.

Beneath this unlikely exterior lies the violated bum of a man with bowels of steel
Wait, it’s the same picture.
Watch out, that first solid food in days might run through you like a freight train. Take it easy champ.
Comment by Justin — March 9, 2007 @ 5:56 pm
HA HA HA – you win the prize, yup, same picture. I couldn’t convince your mother to take a picture of my butt in my hospital gown. So I had to use the same picture. Bottom line I’m about the same.
WRT food, I’ve chowing down all day without a problem. And so far now that I’ve gotten all the laxative purged from my system things are starting to work like normal. Which is a relief.
Comment by Bri — March 10, 2007 @ 1:44 am