Well its Saturday and I’ve got chores to do. We’re finally undecorating from Christmas. Yup, it’s March, I know, I know. It seems each year we get later and later doing this. Some year in the future we’ll just leave everything decorated year round. For the past few weeks Kathy has been working to pack everything up. Today I carried oodles of boxes upstairs and put them away in various closets. And we’re still not done yet.

One small sample of one end of one closet. The other end and the other closet look similar
Next I have outdoor chores to do. It seems that live-oak trees, those that keep their leaves in the fall and winter, decide in the spring to drop their leaves. So instead of having just one season to clean up the bio-crud, I’ve now got two. Isn’t that just wonderful. Have I told you that I don’t like raking leaves or for that matter I just don’t like leaves at all especially when they’re in my yard. In addition my leaf sucking toy has been a pain – a new tool I bought last fall. The large tube that attaches to the engine keeps falling off if I put too much sideways pressure on it. It’s a bad design and now I’ve got to figure out how to fix that. Oh great another chore. This one I’ll procrastinate on doing and hope to deal with it next fall when the next set of trees begin to drop their bio-crud on me. In any case it took me three hours, yup 3, to suck up the leaves and repeatedly put the sucking tube back on. I filled three refuse bags with about 100 pounds of leaves in them.

A cleaned lawn
Next the crepe myrtle out front needed trimming. This is a yearly chore that should be done in February. I’m just a few days late this year. Basically I hack all the branches until only stubs remain. It’s pretty brutal if I say so myself. In the middle I came in and ate lunch and tried to catch my breathe.

Say hi to “Stubby”

By that time I was done for the day. I was exhausted. I did my household chores. All I’m trying to do is to keep up with the black-hole of home ownership, that is, something that absorbs as much and more as you’re willing to give it.

Time for a smaller house (condo)…when everyone moves out again I guess.
Comment by Justin — March 4, 2007 @ 3:51 am
Or time for hiring help to assist me with these chores after I get done paying for college educations, weddings, etc.
Comment by Bri — March 4, 2007 @ 4:03 am
who’s getting married? SLOW down dad!
Comment by Katie — March 4, 2007 @ 9:46 pm
Sheesh, all I’m saying is that I feel my financial responsibities include things like that and I’m not NOT EVER rushing it, but when the time comes I plan on helping out. That’s all. Then after that YOU ARE ALL ON YOUR OWN!
Comment by Bri — March 4, 2007 @ 11:00 pm