Over the past week Katie has been asking me to buy her some salsa. She just can’t seem to find what she likes in Ohio. So I’ve been tasked with the job. Yesterday she phoned me and reminded me to find the salsa when I shop. She said that the jar has a white label and a white top. I thought that would be easy to find. Today at the HEB grocery store I looked, but couldn’t find what she was asking for. There were several jars that matched her description. I phoned her and she again tried to describe it and again I just couldn’t make a match. So we gave up, and I finished shopping, drove home, and unpacked. Then I got my camera and drove back to the store to take pictures of the selves. Not only that, but I drove to another HEB about 3 miles away and again took pictures of their salsa shelves. Any minute I was expecting store security to stop me, but nope nothing like that happened. So see what I do for my daughter. I know. I know. I’m a special kind of dad to do all that for her. Now let’s just hope that the right kind is there somewhere and she’ll be able to recognize it.

Update: After another phone call along with looking at all the pictures it was agreed that Jardine’s Fresh and Feisty Salsa was the one (fourth row down on the left side). Not exactly a white top, but hey at least she was able to find the right one.

Update: The package arrived.
Thanks dad, it might not be worth it for some people, but for me i have a big smile ear to ear and i can’t wait for my special package to arrive, i wish it would be here tomorrow, but unfortunately it won’t be. love you.
Comment by Katie — February 26, 2007 @ 2:48 am