Matthew, our middle son, arrived back home today. He is here for the holidays and beyond. That is because he has resigned from his current position with Texas A&M Library System. Now he is working towards his teaching certification in secondary history. This is an online program. In the process he has returned home to live with us to keep his costs down. Our quiet life will be a little less quiet, but that’s fine with us. Welcome home, son, welcome home.

Judging by the boxes and shelves in the background, I trust he’ll be doing some sewing over the next few months? 🙂
Comment by justin — December 23, 2006 @ 12:49 am
We’re making him comfortable but not too comfortable. As part of his penance he is now working in a sweatshop sewing pink fuzzy hats for orphans in third world countries.
Comment by Bri — December 23, 2006 @ 1:54 am