Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

August 6, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:42 pm

Yesterday was running and recovery along with a bit of work. I fixed a thorny problem which felt good. During my unit testing at the end of this week I encountered a problem and since then I have been working on trying to fix. This problem was known and had been discussed earlier by the smart people on my team, but was not considered a significant problem. Well now that my unit testing had exposed it, I felt it was indeed a problem that needed to be solved. So after much thought and study, and with a few lines of carefully placed SPU assembler code here and there I got it working. Now the unit test is passing which is good. Naturally there is always more to do, but doing this change entirely by myself and fully understanding what I did further helps reduce the pressure that I have placed upon myself to contribute to this effort and become a full member of it.

So today I didn’t have anything pressing to do. Kathy asked if I wanted to make some shelves for her quilting room, which was once Matthew’s bedroom. I said sure. We talked about what she wanted. I sketched up some plans, and estimated that it would cost about $125. We drove over to Home Depot together and bought the materials: two 4 by 8 foot sheets of birch veneered plywood cut into eight 8 foot by 12 inch wide pieces (they were kind enough to cut them there for us); four mounting strips, and twenty-eight shelf brackets. After getting home I got out the tools in the garage while Kathy cleared out the closet upstairs. Afterwards she came down and helped me. Psst, have I ever told you that she hates me taking pictures of her, especially when she’s got her eye and ear protection on, well she does.

Together we cut the shelves to length, routed the edges with a curved bit, and sanded the edges. Next we carried the materials and some tools up to the room. First we removed the rod, then we measured and mounted the strips to the closet wall, inserted the brackets, and layed down the shelves. As we were doing it we realized we had over bought one strip and 10 shelf brackets, so we plan on returning the brackets, but since we had already cut the extra strip we can’t return it. Although I had a few difficulties getting the screws into the corners of wall with the screw-gun, in the end I was able to do it.
After the project was all done the shelves were ready to get filled with boxes of quilting and craft materials. And that makes my sweetheart happy which in turn makes me happy.

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