I returned home yesterday night from the fireworks too tired to start on my drive so I unpacked my aero-bed, sleeping bag and pillows and again slept at Stephanie and Justin’s apartment. I woke once at 2:30 AM, and went back to sleep. Then I awoke at 4:30 AM and was awake enough to pack the remainder of my stuff, and get on the road by 5 AM heading south on 101 with two Coke Zeros helping. I had a very good time with them and shed a sad tear upon driving south alone. Stephanie has a very infectious fun-loving almost-quirky personality and is a special lady. From my viewpoint she and Justin enjoy each other’s company and it’s nice to see them sharing and working together as friends first and foremost. I will miss both of them.
I listened to books on tape to help the miles go by. From US-101 to I-580 to I-5 I drove on. I stopped several times along the way for gas and bio-breaks, but otherwise the trip was uneventful.

Hi Brian, thanks for saying and thinking all these wonderful things…I really enjoyed meeting you too, and had a great time having you around in this kind of weird busy time. And thank you, again, for all your help! Also, comgradulations for braving your fears in the Grand Canyon! I’m sure it was worth it. I hope we can visit soon. Say hi to the family 🙂
Comment by Stephanie — July 12, 2006 @ 11:57 pm