I again woke up early, but sat and worked on my computer doing miscellaneous things until the others awoke. When I took a shower they went to the store. It felt so good after three days of not having one. When they arrived back I had my typical breakfast of Raisin Bran, but this time topped with nutty trail mix. It was good in a Califronia way.
Our adventure of the day was to go see the coast. On the way there I got to see O’Reilly where Justin previously worked. The weather was clear, but on the coast it was very very windy. On the way we stopped at a few turn-outs to enjoy the scenic beauty of the Pacific.

Afterwards instead of driving the coastal road, Stephanie drove the Fort Ross road over the mountain. It was a very twisty narrow road. One time we had to stop and pull off the road to let another car by. We stopped and ate a restaurant called Dawn Ranch Lodge in Guerneville. Surprisingly it was my Christmas present. Justin reminded me that he had never given me a Christmas present and had promised that if I had come out he would take me to the Oyster Bar in San Francisco. Well his debt has been repaid with a good dinner with local wine, dessert, and late harvest wine. Needless to say when we arrived home I set up my bed (aero-bed and sleeping bag in the middle of his living room) and was out for the count.