Just before bed yesterday I made a reservation for a room on Wednesday night in Williams, AZ just south of the Grand Canyon. This means that I’ll sadly be leaving on July 5th and heading home. Although we’ve been together the past 4 days without a break it’s been fun. It also means that I’ve got to get prepared for this next leg of my trip, and possibly hiking down into the Grand Canyon – things like backpack, hat, water, etc.
Although I have friends and relatives in the area – Mike Milley, Christine Watt, and Christy Rodgers, I’ve not phoned or visited them this trip. For that I’m sorry, but there just didn’t seem to be time.
Today we’re finishing up Stephanie’s apartment and putting the last things in her storage closet. This requires Stephanie and Justin to get up early (8 AM) so they can be at the storage closet at 9 AM. They said this would be a challenge. Ahhh youth, since I woke at 6:15 AM and tried to get back to sleep and couldn’t. For breakfast I again had Raisin Bran but now topped with Stephanie’s praline pecans from Trader Joe’s – yum! Instead of being underfoot, I played “gopher” and got things at the store some of which were for the next leg of my trip and other times it was stuff to clean her apartment. I even stopped at Goodwill and got an old backpack and wide-brimmed hat for the Grand Canyon hike in two days. During one of my trips I picked up water, chips and some pre-made sandwiches which we gobbled down while sitting at the pool after all the work was done. Then we left to go back to their apartment and the youngsters took a nap while I continued to post to my blog about the events of the trip. Since I’ll be leaving early tomorrow and driving a lot I think we’ll have a quiet time tonight to wrap up these intense 24×7 days of togetherness. They’ve been real troopers especially watching Justin and Stephanie work together and get all this work done.

After their naps we got ready for fireworks at the Sonoma county fair grounds. A few extra layers sounded like a good idea to Stephanie who suggested that Justin and I also bring extra layers. Later I’m glad we did. We caught a bus near their house to the grounds and listened to Summer of Woodstock (partially named for the Charles Schultz Peanuts character and partially for the oldies music that was played).