Other than my running I’ve not been very busy outside of work. I mean I do watch TV and kill hours and hours doing it, but I’m basically brain-dead when I get home from work. So it’s mostly been work that’s been my focus. I’m enojoying my work so it’s not that I’m unhappy or stressed just busy. It seems that I’m working from about 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM or 7 PM. Upon getting home I shuffle though getting dinner and catching a bit of TV before I crash and go to bed at 10 PM. Yup, 10 PM. It seems I’m getting older and I just can’t stay up. The next day I awake at 6 AM from a typically fitful interrupted sleep and drag myself through my morning absolutions. Then I do my morning run which is something that gets me ready for the rest of the day. Right now my run is a mixed blessing because I’ve got a sore ankle and so each and every step has been an interruption from the typically quiet morning contemplation that I enjoy. So although I enjoy it I just can’t run without thinking about it. Returning from my morning run I continue my morning toiletries and finish with breakefast and packing a lunch when I head off for work. So day in and day out this has been my habit and little else happens to change it. If something does, I’ll let you know. Tootles.
June 24, 2006
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