From Justinsomnia’s neatlink entitled Websites as Graphs Try it yourself: HTML DOM Visualizer Applet
Here’s what looks like… pretty!

From Justinsomnia’s neatlink entitled Websites as Graphs Try it yourself: HTML DOM Visualizer Applet
Here’s what looks like… pretty!
Kathy and my niece, Whitney, is graduating next week from high school. More to follow later. My posting had been sporatic and will be more so next week. Sorry.
My third iPod arrived today. Woohoo! I’ve been missing my iPod.
Well I finally took the leap and got my own domain and hosting service. More to follow when it’s all set up.
Update: My new domain is Now the game is to figure out what it stands for.
I sent off my second iPod to get it repaired. Its battery was running down overnight unless I kept it plugged into the USB recharger. Also it displayed the AC charger icon on the screen unless I was working with the menus. The strange behavior of random click wheel movement without touching it seems to have stopped – or maybe it just dried out. Nevertheless I sent them a movie of that behavior, but I doubt that they’ll even look at it.
Update: The new one (this’ll be number three) is on its way from Hong Kong.
Matthew has done it. He has completed all the requirements. He has graduated from university. His mother and I are very proud of his accomplishment. Also we had a blast attending the graduation and the party that Beth and Matthew threw afterwards. Way to go sweet son!
Kathy arrived home today. After her whirlwind NOT, stay in Ohio this past month is was so nice to see her, kiss her, and hug her. I’m looking forward to getting our life back in some ‘semblance of order again.
The new job has been keeping me busy. Many times at the end of my old job the day would drag on. Now I’m much busier and trying to come on-board. There is so so much to learn. Each day I feel I’m understanding more, but I’ve still got so much more to learn.
I’m all by myself. Each day as I’m leaving work I phone my sweetheart to find out how her day has has been. We talk as I’m driving home and it feels like she’s sitting right beside me. It won’t be much longer. She’ll be home this weekend. It’s been the longest that we’ve been apart EVAR!
I traveled this weekend to visit my cousin Tony and his wife Shirley in Houston. He is my father’s brother’s son. He is also my age among my five cousins on that side of the family. When we were growing up our families would get together about twice a year. Typically once during the summer at his family’s cottage at Crystal Beach in Canada and once at Christmas typically at my family’s home in Tonawanda, New York. We grew up in very different households, and at that time I felt that we were quite different. It’s been years and years since we’ve seen each other. What was amazing was listening to him talk reminded me of his dad, my uncle. It was fun and we talked and talked the whole weekend. I learned also that we are indeed more alike that we are different. Neat!
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