Well I’ve been alone most of this month yet I’ve found things to keep myself busy and interacting with people. My new job is fun, and challenging. I look forward to going into work each day. This weekend has been particularly busy. I went to dinner with my dear friends Kathy and Ken F. We ate salads and chatted about the many things that have happened to our families in the last few weeks since we saw each other. Also Matthew and Beth arrived on Friday and it was good to see them. I was tired after dinner so when they went out to see a movie at 9:30 PM I excused myself and went to bed early.
Saturday arrived early for me when I ran the 10 mile loop around Town Lake at 7 AM. Arriving home after shopping for a white shirt and jeans, we all went out to lunch at McAlisters for sandwiches. Our major event of the day was the wedding of our friend Karen M’s daughter Lauren at 2 PM. Unfortunately Kathy was unable to attend being away in Ohio, but Karen allowed Beth to go in her place. Beth wore a lovely off-while dress and gold shawl. Matthew wore khaki pants and a blue knit top while I wore a sport jacket, white shirt and tie. The ceremony was lovely and we stayed afterwards to watch the photographer set up family formal pictures.

The reception was at the Renaissance Austin Hotel at 5 PM. We sat next to Marcy and her daughter Tracy. We chatted about our families, children and spouses. I had a good time and flittered about the table meeting the other people sitting with us. It was also nice to see Beth and Matthew having a fun and dancing. We thanked the bride and groom and left tired. We had such a good time.
Sunday I let Beth and Matthew sleep in while I volunteered at a local trail race handing out water, juice, and goodies. It was cloudy, but humid and the runners were just drenched in sweat. When I got back Beth cooked a delicious chicken parmesan dinner with spagetti and broccoli. We ate at 2 PM, cleaned up and soon afterwards they left to go back to College Station. All in all I had a wonderful, and busy weekend being a social butterfly.