Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

April 16, 2006

Matthew and the shed doors

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:27 am

My son, Matthew, surprised me and stopped by this weekend. He was in San Antonio dropping off Beth for Easter weekend and phoned me and told me that he was on his way to Austin. I got home from work and made a big pot of spagetti. He even phoned to ask that I make parmesan toast, one of his favorites, and I did. We had a good time talking, and had a quiet evening at home. I was tired and went to bed at 9:30 PM which is early for me.

After waking at 7:30 AM, I went to work for a bit and then did some errands. I arrived home at 10:30 AM and Matthew had gotten up. Over the past month the shed in the back yard has been having a few problems. First the hasp and lock broke off. Next because the doors were no longer closed and locked, the doors swung in the wind and one fell off. So today we drove to Home Depot and bought two 4×8 sheets by 3/4″ (thicker than before), a number of 1x3s along with sufficient hardware (bolts now). After a short break for lunch, we worked together all afternoon cutting, building, and mounting the two doors along with a new hasp. I couldn’t have done it without Matthew’s help. Thanks Son!

As a treat and a thank you I took him to dinner at BoneDaddys. He had a steak and I had a large salad. Afterwards he had to get back to College Station so we said our goodbyes. It was great seeing him.


  1. At first I thought you wrote “we worked together all afternoon cussing” hehe. Glad things went well.

    Comment by justin — April 18, 2006 @ 7:38 pm

  2. No, no, no, we had a good time and we were talking and chatting and communicating – the only cussing we did was when things didn’t fit, but that didn’t happen much!

    Comment by Bri — April 19, 2006 @ 12:31 am

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