Well I ran Town Lake this weekend and at the end my nice new iPod was going crazy. It would skip up and down the menu randomly without me touching it. It was almost like it was a a geiger counter. So again I’ve asked Apple to send me a repair box to send in my sick iPod. This is getting a bit disheartening. I really really like my iPod, but I’m this is getting a bit much.
April 30, 2006
April 24, 2006
Social butterfly
Well I’ve been alone most of this month yet I’ve found things to keep myself busy and interacting with people. My new job is fun, and challenging. I look forward to going into work each day. This weekend has been particularly busy. I went to dinner with my dear friends Kathy and Ken F. We ate salads and chatted about the many things that have happened to our families in the last few weeks since we saw each other. Also Matthew and Beth arrived on Friday and it was good to see them. I was tired after dinner so when they went out to see a movie at 9:30 PM I excused myself and went to bed early.
Saturday arrived early for me when I ran the 10 mile loop around Town Lake at 7 AM. Arriving home after shopping for a white shirt and jeans, we all went out to lunch at McAlisters for sandwiches. Our major event of the day was the wedding of our friend Karen M’s daughter Lauren at 2 PM. Unfortunately Kathy was unable to attend being away in Ohio, but Karen allowed Beth to go in her place. Beth wore a lovely off-while dress and gold shawl. Matthew wore khaki pants and a blue knit top while I wore a sport jacket, white shirt and tie. The ceremony was lovely and we stayed afterwards to watch the photographer set up family formal pictures.

The reception was at the Renaissance Austin Hotel at 5 PM. We sat next to Marcy and her daughter Tracy. We chatted about our families, children and spouses. I had a good time and flittered about the table meeting the other people sitting with us. It was also nice to see Beth and Matthew having a fun and dancing. We thanked the bride and groom and left tired. We had such a good time.
Sunday I let Beth and Matthew sleep in while I volunteered at a local trail race handing out water, juice, and goodies. It was cloudy, but humid and the runners were just drenched in sweat. When I got back Beth cooked a delicious chicken parmesan dinner with spagetti and broccoli. We ate at 2 PM, cleaned up and soon afterwards they left to go back to College Station. All in all I had a wonderful, and busy weekend being a social butterfly.
April 16, 2006
Weekend laborer
After completing 10 miles on the Town Lake trail I headed back home to mow the lawn. Before I did I saw a few pretty backyard wild flowers.

Matthew and the shed doors
My son, Matthew, surprised me and stopped by this weekend. He was in San Antonio dropping off Beth for Easter weekend and phoned me and told me that he was on his way to Austin. I got home from work and made a big pot of spagetti. He even phoned to ask that I make parmesan toast, one of his favorites, and I did. We had a good time talking, and had a quiet evening at home. I was tired and went to bed at 9:30 PM which is early for me.
After waking at 7:30 AM, I went to work for a bit and then did some errands. I arrived home at 10:30 AM and Matthew had gotten up. Over the past month the shed in the back yard has been having a few problems. First the hasp and lock broke off. Next because the doors were no longer closed and locked, the doors swung in the wind and one fell off. So today we drove to Home Depot and bought two 4×8 sheets by 3/4″ (thicker than before), a number of 1x3s along with sufficient hardware (bolts now). After a short break for lunch, we worked together all afternoon cutting, building, and mounting the two doors along with a new hasp. I couldn’t have done it without Matthew’s help. Thanks Son!

As a treat and a thank you I took him to dinner at BoneDaddys. He had a steak and I had a large salad. Afterwards he had to get back to College Station so we said our goodbyes. It was great seeing him.
April 9, 2006
Parent’s weekend
With Kathy gone and the house very quiet, I very much looked forward to being with Matthew and Beth in College Station for Parents Weekend. I drove over on Friday night, had dinner together and saw a movie (Take the Lead).
We were planning on running the 5K, which we’ve done in years past on Saturday morning. However when Matthew checked the website to get a map, he found that it had been scheduled for Sunday morning which conflicted with his Helpline schedule and my plans to return to Austin. I had never realized when I signed up that the day had changed. Sheesh! Needless to say I was very disappointed that we missed our last 5K together.
The next day, Saturday, we slept in a bit, went to the Bevo Burn barbecue, drove around College Station looking at potential apartments for Beth for next year, shopped at Sam’s club, saw another movie (Lucky Number Slevin), and overall had a very casual and relaxing afternoon. As the day wore on I started getting a scratchy throat. So after the movie I felt it best if I headed back to Austin to sleep in my own bed and get some medicine. Overall I had a very nice time seeing Matthew and Beth. They make a nice couple.
On the way back I stopped at Wendy’s for chili, fries, and frosty. Then at a gas stop I bought two Cokes to keep me awake on the drive back. It was about 7:30 PM. I drove back the entire way listening to my iPod – it was great. Unfortunately after arriving home at about 9:15 PM the Cokes kept me awake until 1 AM when I finally got to bed. Not very good for my cold! Today my nose is dripping like a faucet and I’m just taking it real easy.
April 6, 2006
New job at work
I’ve been looking for a new job at work. It’s been about 2 1/2 years working on grid computing and time for a change. The accent at work has been slowly migrating away from grid computing. So I’ve started interviewing, and looking into technology and development jobs. I also have been canvasing friends and colleagues for possible positions. It always takes time to find out what is happening in the company, and to find a match to my skills, experience and desires. Also I’ve been trying to find a job in Poughkeepsie or with a manager in Poughkeepsie since I owe it to Kathy to get back there.
A few weeks ago I phoned a person who lives in New Hampshire that I’ve worked with over the past year and she suggested a group that works on the Cell processor. This processor is to be incorporated into the upcoming Sony PS3 machine. They now want to incorporate it in other things. What is surprising is that I had interviewed with the team in 2001 but no offer was extended. At that time I went off to work on trusted e-payments, healthcare and now grid computing. So I interviewed and explained that this had taken place. Well this time they did offer me a position and I just accepted their offer today. In two to four weeks I’ll be transfering over to work in this new team. The major issue is that it is again in Austin. I’m sorry my sweet darling, but we’ll have to stay here a few more years. So it’s bitterweet because at the same time I’m very much looking forward to this new job.
April 2, 2006
My new iPod’s coming
I’ve been tracking my replacement iPod. It left China, to Hong Kong on Friday, to Alaska yesterday… Wait a minute, the FedEx site now says it’s now in Austin. Woohoo! It’s a small world. I can’t wait.
Update: This morning while I was showering the FedEx person dropped off the new iPod. It’s good to be 1/2 mile from the FedEx depot. Sweet!
Cap 10K This Weekend
Tomorrow is a rite-of-spring in Austin, the Capital 10K at 8:45 AM. Wish me luck.
Update: Completed it in 50:14 or 8:05/M. Although this is not a PR I’m happy with it since it was moist and hot, and I haven’t done any speed work since the marathon.