I have used Dial bar soap in my shower for years.

One day several months ago, I finally threw them out. However before I did I noticed that some of them were so thin that the letters “Dial” were still there and almost transparent. This caused me to wonder if I could purposely make it happen again. So now when I take a shower I only lather with the non-letter side of the bar. Yep, you’re right, only the NON-LETTER SIDE – weird huh, well I think so. Do I have obsessive-compulsive disorder? Oh my gosh, I might have OCD.
But that’s not all. Recently my anxiety increased over the Christmas holiday when my daughter needed to shower. She asked to use my shower and although I said yes I was immediately worried that SHE MIGHT LATHER WITH THE LETTER SIDE – Oh no! Soon after her shower I went in, checked the bar out and breathed a sigh of relief – I could still make out the letters. My anxiety dissipated.
For example, here is one of my used thin bars with the letters showing.

Ha. Maybe you should try some liquid body wash and see what that does to your anxiety level.
I’ve found that the bars of soap I use are curved, and that the letters are on the convex side, so I naturally apply the non-lettered (concave) side to my body.
Comment by justin — February 13, 2006 @ 6:09 am
they broke the mold when they made you dad. i mean your hair went from pink to no hair. now OCD habits(though i don’t think you have OCD about holding onto the thin bars of soap). what are you going to do next go skydiving? when that day happens i will be taking picture. I know you are deathly afraid of hieghts even when they are on TV.
Comment by Katie — February 14, 2006 @ 3:26 am
Hmmm, now there’s a thought – skydiving – after my marathon I’ll have a bit of free time, maybe, just maybe, I’ll go jump out of an airplane and act like a bird – DEAR DAUGHTER – THERE IS NO WAY I’LL EVER EVER DO THAT!!! So you’re safe, and I am too.
Comment by Bri — February 14, 2006 @ 4:08 am