Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

January 7, 2005

Full day of work

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 1:17 am

I was programming most of today. Just before vacation I started some changes to this programming I had done. I then stopped due to the holidays. When I returned to work yesterday I dusted it off and realized that I had left it broken, so today I fixed it, improved it and extended it. Now I’m testing it with some new data and realized that the design had several flaws it in. So I made some subtle design changes to accomplish these new requirements. It was fun to not have to toss it all out and start over again. I deftly made the changes while maintaining the existing balance in the design. I’m sure they’ll be more changes, but for now I’m happy with it. I kept thinking that it was like sculpting where the form is there, but I had to add a little and subtract a little to adjust the code to get it to work better, that is, making it more general, more powerful and more complete.


  1. perhaps we should write a book called hackers and sculptors.

    Comment by Justin — January 8, 2005 @ 8:38 pm

  2. Yeah, that’s what I was thinking about, but programming is multi-dimensional so only three doesn’t cut it.

    Comment by Bri — January 11, 2005 @ 4:38 am

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