At work we had a fall picnic yesterday. It was for the organization that my department works for so over 50 people showed up. The organization is the “e-Technology Center” or just the e-TC (where “e” typically stand for “electronic” as in e-business, but nobody says that word but just says “e”). The weather was warm and breezy. BBQ was served with beans and potato salad, and cookies for dessert. As part of the festivities was a mummy wrap where one person stands and another person wraps them in two rolls of toilet paper. The winner is the first person to use up all two rolls, and after that the audience voted, by clapping, for their favorite. Along with the food and games, they had put several pumpkins on the picnic tables along with carving tools and booklets of patterns. So I took it upon myself, with some help by members of my own department, to carve a pumpkin.
Note: I used one of the supplied patterns with a slight adjustment to it. Instead of having “PARTY” above the bat, I put “e-TC”.
what is it of, the pumpkin i mean? i see teeth or a mouth but can’t make out what it is.
Comment by Katie — October 31, 2004 @ 7:27 am
What is it of daddy? i just can’t tell, no matter when i look at it.
Comment by Katie — November 2, 2004 @ 9:34 pm
OK, it’s a bat in the bottom, with the letters “e-TC” above, however, it can also appear as a face with the letter “e” as one eye, the “C” as the other eye, and below the bat is a mouth.
Comment by Bri — November 8, 2004 @ 10:05 pm