Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

August 20, 2004

Childhood dreams

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:58 am

Ever since I’ve been a young person I’ve wanted to do a few things. For example, I’ve wanted to play a bass guitar. Now that I’m a “mature” adult I’ve let go of this childhood dream. Somehow this one is no longer me. I’ve already talked about go-karts, and I did at one time own one. Now the question is whether or not I will ever own one again. Another thing is that I’ve always wanted to see the Grand Canyon, however, each chance I get to travel it’s not been at the top of my list. For example, I’d rather visit London or San Francisco than the North Rim. Finally I’ve wanted to create a cycloidal propulsion vehicle. This was based upon an article in Mechanical Engineering, April 1963, page 60-61. This one still interests me, but then again it was a childhood dream which maybe I’ve outgrown. But then why did I try to take a computer aided mechanical drafting course at the local community college, and I’m considered taking a welding course to help me make one of these.

1 Comment

  1. Grand Canyon, ✓

    Comment by Justin — September 25, 2008 @ 2:09 am

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