So I went running today. Except for a bit of rib soreness I was fine from my fall yesterday. Instead of going by the scene of yesterday’s accident. I felt that I should be safe and follow my “standard” route. So up Metric, by the Middle School, down Rampart and turn onto Parmer. There I stay on the sidewalk with two lanes of oncoming traffic beside me. Carefully I crossed at the light with the Randall’s plaza on the left and Parmer traffic on the right. In front of me a car is pulling out of the plaza. Another car on Parmer is approaching me to turn into the plaza. The approaching car sees me, slows and stops to let me cross before pulling in, but the car pulling out is looking left, thinks the approaching car is stopping for them, and begins to pull out – RIGHT WHEN I’M IN FRONT OF HIM. I begin to yell hey, hey, hey, as the SUV begins to nudge me. I put my hand on the hood. Then the driver finally sees me and brakes. WHEW! That was close, real close, too close. What is happening to me. These past two days have been unbelievable. And I thought this was the safe route – hah. Moral: Never cross in front of a car pulling out especially when you’re running next to oncoming traffic.
July 7, 2004
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