Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

July 5, 2004


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:03 pm

Even though I had off today I didn’t sleep in. Got up early, dressed for running, snuck downstairs, opened the front door quietly, went out, picked up the newspaper on the driveway, placed it by the front door, stretched briefly, and headed out. It was a bit cloudy which was nice. I planned to come back and paint house trim so cloudy is good, very good. I chose a different route today. Previously I’ve noticed that someone or group has been placing ceramic tiles on roadside storm drains in our neighborhood. They say “no dumping, drains to creek”. They’re small and thin, about four inches square and a quarter of an inch thick. Near the beginning of my outbound run there was a broken one of these tiles laying near the side of the roadway when I ran by. Continuing on I proceeded do my run, by the Scofield condos, up Equestrian, by Karen’s house, near the Ridge pool, and began to cycle back. Without much to think about I took it easy. During times like this I just scan the sidewalk or road immediately ahead. Looping back I again I returned to the spot where I has seen the broken tile. In the past I’ve kicked cans and stones for no other reason than to see what happens. As I approached the tile I decided to kick it and slide it along the pavement. In mid-stride with my left foot back, I swung my right foot forward for my next step and to kick the edge of the tile. But it was glued down – it was immovable, and I wasn’t. YIKES! Totally unable to do anything I fell. I crashed forward. Barely having time to get my hands out to catch me, I slammed them down on the pavement. OUCH! My chest took the brunt of my fall. OOOF! My glasses skittering down the street. After a moment I got up. My tee-shirt was muddy and wrinkled. I was wobbly-kneed and catching my breath. I had just performed a massive cardio-pulmonary massage, and I felt like it. Queasy I walked for the next hundred feet. Then even more slowly I jogged the two tenths of a mile back home. My left shoulder has a big red mark on it, a deep bruise on my left hip, and my ribs hurt when I cough or laugh, but luckily no road rash on my face or chin. Tomorrow I’ll probably feel worse. Moral: I gotta stop kicking stuff when I go running.


  1. i started laughing when i read the moral

    Comment by Justin — July 6, 2004 @ 4:20 am

  2. …and i hope you don’t feel too bad

    Comment by Justin — July 6, 2004 @ 4:21 am

  3. Well I’m OK today, not too sore, the ribs don’t hurt too much, I was able to run today, and nope, I didn’t kick anything

    Comment by Bri — July 7, 2004 @ 12:54 am

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