The trail is currently 2192 miles, but over the years it’s changed length. For example, it was once 2180 miles. So the halfway point has shifted over the years.
Originally I planned to meet cousin Art at Greenbrier State Park on June 21st. However that would require me to slow down and make it hard/impossible to meet his brother Dave at Delaware Water Gap on July 5th. So instead I sped up to overshoot the park. But now I need to shuttle back to the park on Friday 6/21, take a zero on Saturday 6/22, and shuttle back on Sunday 6/23. However this sets me up to meet Dave on or around 7/5 at DWG.
Harpers Ferry is the home of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC). I got my picture taken (#820), and had my information added (date started, name, trailname, home town, and email address) to their 2019 Album of hikers. In their hiker lounge I filled my water bottles, charged my battery, tossed my garbage, bought and drank four cans of Coca-Cola. When my battery was charged I left and went to get some ice cream but it was too early. So I headed out and got back on the trail.