This is where in the world I am.

A Garmin InReach map showing my daily GPS location/notes.
AT Mileage Log (as an editable Google Docs spreadsheet)
AT Mileage Log (as PDF)
Using the above Daily Mileage spreadsheet the number of miles hiked per day were calculated and plotted.

The six zero-days (= 0 miles) and many nearo-days (< 10 miles) can been seen clearly.
The following are some of the key days based on the plot.
- Day 44, 45 & 46 were three nearo days in preparation to fly home (see next bullet). It was also sadly the end of my joint hiking with Lex.
- Day 47 & 48 were two zero days to travel from Roanoke VA to Austin TX for a performance of the traveling Broadway musical Hamilton with Kathy.
- Day 63 was a meet-up with Robert “Bilbo” Livezey to help me resupply and plan my next days through the “Roller Coaster” and beyond.
- Day 70 was a zero day with Art Rodgers and his children at Greenbrier State Park in Maryland.
- Day 84 was a zero day with Joanne and Dave Rodgers at their home in Montclair NJ.
- Day 92 was a zero day with Nance and Jack Williford at their home in Hopewell Junction NY.
- Day 111 was a meet-up with Tim “Hog” Hogeboom (Triple Crowner) in Hanover NH, take me to his home, feed me, and help me plan for the upcoming White Mountains.
- Day 114 was entry to the White Mountains. The hiking difficulty increased by a factor of two and the daily hiking distance decreased by a factor of two!
- Day 119 was a nearo day with Mark Rodgers ascending toward Mt. Washington.
- Day 122 was a zero day for mental health at the Rattle River Hostel outside of Gorham NH after a very difficult ascent/descent of Mt. Madison.
- Day 141 to 147 was the One Hundred Mile Wilderness.
- Day 148 was a nearo day for the ascent/descent of Mt. Katahdin.