Most PCT thruhikers start at the ADZPCTKO (annual day zero PCT kick off) which took place April 25-27. I started ten days early on April 16th. So it’s taken them until about mile 630 to catch and pass me. So far about a dozen have zoomed by. I can barely say hello and they are by me and gone. I’ll probably never see them again. This first group have taken a number of shortcuts by skipping road walks and hitching around them whereas I done them. Nevertheless, as we say on the trail HYOH – hike your own hike. So I’m going to continue doing what I’ve done which is to walk most all the trail including the detours.
Side note: I saw in a trail register (a book hikers sign into along the trail) that Root Beer Float (my friend Terry S.) passed me today between mile 624 (where I camped) to 630 (trail register location), but didn’t know it. Best wishes friend and safe journey.