Halfmile is on the trail

A PCT hiker typically use a series of custom topological maps that are focused on the trail. Your typical topo map would show many areas off the trail that are not interesting to hikers. These custom hiking maps are produced on standard letter-size paper and take over 250 pages to show the entire 2650 mile trail. This is the work of a small team of volunteers headed by a hiker named Halfmile. To constantly improve the accuracy of his maps new GPS equipment is used. When I was in Agua Dulce I was fortunate to sit with the team and learn more about the behind-the-scenes of this work. I learned that Halfmile is on the trail taking GPS readings himself. Now in Tehachapi I stopped him in the hall and took a selfie with him. A big thank you from me and the hiking community goes out to Halfmile for all his work and dedication.
