The most harrowing of days

Climbing to Forrester was a bit unsettling especially at the end when I had to cross the snow chute. One misstep and down you go. I had to focus, look straight ahead and not look down. Step, place pole, step. … done. Next I had to negotiate a few more small switchbacks and a snow drift across the trail. Then at the top I looked out toward the other side of the pass, the northern side, and was covered in a recent snow fall and the trail was obliterated. Argh! All by myself I had to decide what to do. Where do I go? There is no trail. Do I give up? How do I make progress when there is no trail. Then I saw the footsteps below and on the left. I decided to follow them carefully one-step-at-a-time. I had to walk for miles on the sloped snow and get to a lower altitude somewhere near that distant forest. I knew that one misstep and I’d slide for thousands of feet. Even after I got down to a somewhat lower altitude I postholed until my feet and pants were soaked and I still couldn’t find the trail. Then while on a distant ridge I looked down and saw the trail far far below. Whew! I’m saved and in a little while I was back on the trail. At the end of the day I was totally exhausted.


Forester Pass

My first pass and it is the highest point on the PCT at 13,200 feet above sea level. It was a five mile climb to get to the pass. Can you see the switchbacks leading up to the pass?

Can you see the pass? It’s the one with the snow chute
Approaching the chute – nearly at the pass itself (After crossing I turned around and took this photo.)
The chute (After crossing I turned around and took this photo.)
After the chute I had to climb some unexpected drifts to the pass itself. Talk about being up HIGH! 13,200 feet.

First river crossing

We hikers don’t need no stinkin’ bridge. We just wade across without our shoes on and with our packs unsnapped. The water was so cold afterwards I couldn’t feel my toes for minutes.


Special package

A friend of Justin’s has been reading the blog and today I received a VERY SPECIAL RESUPPLY from her. Awesome! Lots of goodies to put in my bear canister. Yup, I now have to carry a big bulky heavy bear canister. But those treats fit in just swell! Yummy.
