Tuolumne Meadows meetup

Sunday June 8th I met up with Justin and Stephanie in Yosemite’s Tuolumne Meadows. I ate and ate and ate including a double cheeseburger, two Coca-colas, dinner and breakfast at the lodge – YUM! The next day Justin and I headed out on the trail to Echo Lake.

Bad turn

As I was rushing to meet up with Stephanie and Justin at Tuolumne Meadows in two days I took a bad turn. Instead of following the PCT I took the Duck Lake Pass trail. The trail climbed as it wrapped around the lake and went over a pass. On the other side was a snowfield. I stopped for a snack and checked my GPS location. I was shocked to find I was way off the trail. I happened to notice that I had cellphone service and phoned Kathy to hear her voice and tell her I was “sad” because it was doubtful now I’d make it to Stephanie and Justin in time. Next I phoned Justin to tell him of my predicament, but I did ask him to get some specific resupplies for me. Afterwards I climbed back up the snowfield, went over the pass, came back down the trail around the lake and got back to the PCT.


Each day … More river crossings

The first picture shows the widest crossing so far. The boulders made the crossing straight forward. On an earlier occasion I crossed Evolution creek. It was deep and the current was strong. For that one I removed my shoes and pants and put them in my pack. Then waded across facing the current and using my poles to brace myself. Brrrrr, it was cold too. On average I have 3-4 serious crossings like these each day. Where serious means I have to wade, carefully step from rock to rock, or cross on a fallen tree.


