A scenic view: Two lakes

Somewhere on the trail heading towards Sierra City. Today is my 65th birthday. I celebrated by completing my miles early at about 3 PM so I have about 9 miles tomorrow to get to Sierra City. I need to resupply there at the General Store. Oh, and I’m going to get some Coca-Colas there too – YUM!


I’m now in Northern California

Ever since leaving Kathy, Stephanie, and Justin at South Lake Tahoe I’ve been in Northern California. There is a lot less water. For example, in Sierras you’d not worry because you would cross a stream every 15 to 30 minutes whereas today it was upwards to 8 miles between streams. I’m mostly hiking through forests.


Early morning hiking

I like to hike in the early morning. This was taken shortly after 6 AM. The sun was just rising. It’s cool and quiet. The bugs haven’t come out. I seem to make the most progress at this time of day.



The hiking life is pretty simple. You hike, eat, sleep and not much else. Yesterday I got to my campsite, set up my tent, ate my dinner, and snuggled into my sleeping bag around 6:30 PM. I dozed off and woke at 8:30. I normally wake around 5 AM so I was surprised to have overslept. I got up and started doing my morning things including taking my medicine, getting my socks and shoes on, and packing a few things up. Suddenly I realized that it wasn’t 8:30 AM, but it was only 8:30 PM and still light out. How could I be so out-of-it not to realize this! So I unpacked, took off my shoes and socks, and went back to bed. Sheesh!


Off trail

I woke early at 5 AM to get a jump on completing my miles by mid-afternoon today. I wanted to rest. Two miles in I encountered a blowdown tree and went right to get over it at a narrower spot. Afterward I veered left to get back to the trail. Slowly I climbed and after about 45 minutes I was nearing the top and took out my phone to look at the GPS. To my surprise I was off trail. Huh? How did that happen? So back down to the trail I went. Finally after 45 minutes I again climbed over the tree and found myself on the PCT. What happened is that the tree blew down on a trail sign post where the PCT went left and the Tahoe-Yosemite Trail went right. When I climbed over the tree I accidentally merged with the right one. Argh! So I lost 3 miles of hiking right at the beginning of the day. I was not a happy hiker for the rest of the day. My desire to complete mid-afternoon was shot.

Blown over tree on the trail